Our Double Degree program provides the participants the opportunity to gain two degrees : one from Chung-Ang University and another from one of accredited partner universities. Not only will students acquire two different degrees, they will also acquire greater understanding and intercultural skills required to compete in a global market.
Chung-Ang University has come together with three different Academic Institutions in order to provide students the opportunity to earn a second degree alongside their CAU degree. Students who fulfil the prescribed requirements will be awarded their second degree from Feng Chia University (Taiwan,) Toulouse Business School (France,) or the University of Cincinnati Lindner College of Business (USA.) Studying at a partner university will not only help students gain invaluable international experience, but also more academic knowledge as well as deeper insight into foreign work environments, economies, and cultures.
Each program will have its own requirements, and students are required to meet the entry requirements for both programs. Student candidates for these programs are selected initially by the Home University, then presented to the Host University for review and approval for admission. Admitted students will be simultaneously enrolled in both universities, therefore, entitled to the same rights and privileges of both universities as regular students. After satisfying degree requirements for both universities, students will be awarded two diplomas, broadening and diversifying your career prospects.