Special Immigration Procedures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infection
In order to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections, all nationals and foreigners arriving from mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau must go through special immigration procedures.
• Special Immigration Procedures
1. Prepare a special quarantine report (name, passport number, domestic contact number, address, etc.) for entrants
2. On-site confirmation of receiving contact information
3. Monitor the presence of suspicious symptoms for 14 days after entering Korea through mobile self-diagnosis app
• Detailed procedure
1. (Before departure, in flight) Distribution of preliminary announcement of special immigration procedures, distribution of special quarantine report including in-flight broadcast guide and app installation URL, QR code, etc.
2. (Quarantine) Submit health status documents and check for symptoms.
3. (While waiting for entry) Complete a special quarantine report *, install through mobile self-diagnosis app.
* (Information required) Passport number, name, mobile phone number, domestic address of residence, domestic school / company name, etc.
4. (Special immigration) Self-diagnosis app installation check, and domestic contact reception check
5. (Post-monitoring) Check daily health symptoms through the self-diagnosis app. If you have any symptoms, call 1339 and visit selected healthcare center.
<Self Diagnosis App Instructions>
¡Û Personal details entered in the ¡°Self Diagnosis App¡± should coincide with the information submitted in the Travel Record Special Declaration. If there is a change to your personal details, you should update the information on the App.
- If you have not downloaded the Self Diagnosis App, please download it as soon as possible after entry.
¡Û You should record whether you have developed any symptoms on the App everyday (by 24:00) for 14 days after the day of entry to Korea.
¡Ø Self diagnosis symptoms: fever (37.5 or higher) or feverish feeling, cough, sore throat, respiratory difficulties or breathlessness
- If you have any symptoms listed above, please record it on the app. In this case, you are recommended to call 1339 or visit a nearby health clinic or designated hospital.
¡Û If you do not download the app or record your health status, you may receive a call from the KCDC center. If you fail to receive the call, measures may be taken to identify your location.
* Self Diagnosis App
- URL: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/selfcheck/
- QR code: